

时间 : 04-29 投稿人 : 培培 点击 :

A hundred years of prosperous age, a new journey of art, a contemporary international art master——Shen Zhiang's special report

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科




Shen Zhiang, born in 1952, Han nationality, a native of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Influenced by his family since childhood, he loves the art of calligraphy. Mr. Shen Zhiang's works are old-fashioned, freely swaying, elegant and stretched, stippling vigorous, harmoniously echoed, integrated, witty, and beautiful. His works have won many championships in international and national competitions, and have won great attention from leaders and the art world. He has made outstanding achievements in the art of calligraphy and won honors for the country.

His works have been exhibited and collected in the Louvre, the highest art palace in the world, New York, Japan, South Korea, and the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. It is collected by the National Museum, National Library and other collection institutions.

Won the honorary titles of "Top Ten Military and Civilian Artists", "National Treasure Artist", "Top 100 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting", "Master of Chinese Calligraphy and Calligraphy in Flourishing Age", "Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Master of Virtue and Art", "Moving Chinese Outstanding Meritorious Calligraphy and Painter".

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

法度严谨师碑帖 正大气象写正宗——记著名书法家沈志昂

The rigorous teacher's rubbings Zhengda looks authentic and writes authenticity-remember the famous calligrapher Shen Zhiang


Calligraphy, as an artistic treasure of Chinese culture, needs to be passed on, and innovation in pen and ink can be used to make pen and ink as new attainments in contemporary aesthetics. Mr. Shen Zhiang, a famous contemporary calligrapher, was influenced by the art of his family and loved the art of calligraphy since he was a child. The pen and ink are completed in one go, running through up and down, freely retractable, dense and decent, and they have the charm of authentic calligraphy. His works have repeatedly won the championship in many competitions and have been widely collected. They have achieved a very high artistic status. Shuangxin is well-known, and Su Shishu, chairman of the China Calligraphy Association, feels his extraordinary accomplishments, and he has written long articles for his reputation, which shows that his calligraphy has entered the mainstream and is by no means a layman.


His calligraphy involves regular script, running script, cursive script, etc., and it is necessary to understand the subtleties of each script. The technique is full of professionalism, and the books are many but not superficial. Watching his works, taking care of both regularity and action, rejecting the state of the operator, without losing the form of flying, the pen and ink square tunes are well retracted, and the silky reflection brings up the inheritance and the movement, and the charm of the calligraphy is very strong. The structure layout is elegant and wide and upright, if there are clouds and flowing water, the center of gravity is accurately placed, and it is like a dragon playing in the water. Even the handwriting is very free and easy, making people feel vivid and vivid, and amazing my heart! The writing is rigorous, no stroke is taken lightly, no one The characters do not show the exquisite spellcasting of the intention, and the elegant charm of the running script is not exciting and not violent, all appear in it.


Shen Zhiang's calligraphy is also his mood for self-cultivation. If the pen and ink are out of the state of mind, there will be little meaning when writing, and the fundamentals will be lost. Therefore, his cursive script reflects the spiritual state of mind in the transformation of black and white, dots and lines. The temperament is refined, the pen and ink are extraordinary, there is flying in the honesty, the writing is smooth in the heart, the cursive lines are extremely tense, and the elegant style is never lost. With a stroke of a book, it is like a prairie horse running freely. The brush strokes of Motuo are both relaxed and elegant, and there is a majestic and unrestrained god, smooth and erect, vigorous and reserved, with a harmonious mind, the combination of strength and softness, adhering to the spirit, and following the path of nature. , Falling flowers and flying snow are boundless, changing ups and downs within a stroke, pear blossoms falling in the wind, beautiful in shape and spirit, it is a master who shows the soul of cursive script. The result of writing is nothing more than the comprehension of the writing. His four regular scripts are integrated, with Ou Kai as the core and Yan Kai as the bones and bones, absorbing the wonderfulness of the masters, and using the pen exquisitely. Every time you see the pen, you will be smooth and unobstructed , It is clean and natural, effective in frustration, inverse in and out, in one go. There are square pens horizontally and vertically, and round pens can be seen with a glance. The scheduling is flexible and the manners are varied. The structure is said to be on the left and right, looking like a jealous look, tightening left and stretching right, vertical main trunk, dangerous on all sides, invulnerable structure, upright atmosphere, clear at a glance.


The rubbings of the rigorous teacher, Zhengda writes authentically. Calligraphy is not only a contest of strokes, but also the sustenance of the soul and the resonance of culture. Calligraphy has been the way of mind and spirit since ancient times. Only by knowing the method and the calligraphy can we realize the truth and send the soul to write culture. Mr. Shen Zhiang uses his profound cultural cultivation, sharpens his calligraphy and inherits the responsibility of cultural inheritance, so he has the right hand, the experience is the inspiration, the book is like the person, and everyone's demeanor is clear at a glance!


Famous Painting and Calligraphy Review Tian Jixue

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科


Su Shishu's comments on Mr. Shen Zhiang's calligraphy:


Like many friends who love the art of calligraphy, I got to know Mr. Shen Zhiang from his calligraphy works. It was his works that attracted me. Over time, I have a deep understanding of him.


Shen Zhiang has a profound theoretical foundation of calligraphy, a good foundation in writing Chinese characters, a comprehensive cultural quality with extensive knowledge and knowledge, hard-working and serious self-learning perseverance and innovative spirit, excellent artistic ethics and artistic personality, which give his calligraphy art aura. And vitality.


Looking at his calligraphy works, it makes people feel new and not thin, gorgeous but not charming. The finished works do not lose the law, the few words do not lose the bigness, the softness and the strength are combined, the majestic and the beautiful, the flesh and blood, and the natural structure. Learn from the past but not the past, and seek new things instead of favoring them. This is "Many ancient people cast their hearts in their hearts, write pens, and integrate the strengths of a hundred schools of thought into themselves."


His calligraphy is fat and boned, flesh-and-blood, lively and agile. The changeable pen, the mastery of the composition, the up and down tapes, and the panning from the left and right, staggered and ups and downs, vividly on the paper. In the flowing lines, the radius, density, size, length, thickness, density, lightness, dryness, and wetness are flexible. The majestic atmosphere is like clouds and flowing water. It can be described as unconventional and original. It has its own unique brushwork and unique artistic expression.

他的艺术魅力不仅仅给人以艺术欣赏,而且给人以精神享受。他的作品, “柔中有刚、秀中见奇,乃笔爽爽而有神助。”我“赏罢沈志昂的书法,再理解书中内容,真有沐浴、更衣、焚香之后捧读线装书之感。线香、墨香、字香、文香四香皆溢,鼻舒、眼悦、心旷、神怡四享俱佳。”写出了读者的真情实感。

His artistic charm not only gives people artistic appreciation, but also gives people spiritual enjoyment. His work, "There is strength in the softness, and the strangeness in the show. It is cool and helpful." I "appreciate Shen Zhiang's calligraphy, and then understand the content of the book. After bathing, changing clothes, and burning incense, I read the thread-bound book." Sense. The four fragrances of incense, ink, calligraphy, and literary fragrance are all overflowing, and the nose is soothing, the eyes are pleasant, the heart is relaxed, and the feeling is good." It writes the true feelings of the readers.


He is not proud. He believes that the highest state of calligraphy is to write heart, thoughts, and emotions. Mr. Shen Zhiang's calligraphy has reached this state. He organically combined traditional calligraphy techniques with modern calligraphy, using abstract and wonderful calligraphy techniques to boldly innovate. Its rich ink color changes are indescribable. The words and strokes can be written in one go. It is like a dragon playing in the water, and a giant dragon swimming in the sky. , Incorporating the pen technique of freehand drawing into the characters, there are pictures in the characters, and the paintings are used as characters. Wrote his feelings about life with pen and ink.


For Mr. Shen Zhiang, calligraphy is his life's passion and pursuit, and because of this dedication, his life has been more bumpy than usual, and it has also been more exciting.


Everything is inferior, but the only one who reads well, the calligrapher Shen Zhiang, he is like a flying fairy outside, elegant and free, like a tough guy inside, strong muscles and iron bones, and writes a long-lasting personality charm with strokes. He was willing to be lonely, and his dreamlike love for calligraphy with his innate quality made himself step by step to the hall of calligraphy art.

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科

盛世百年路,艺术新征程,当代国际艺术大师——沈志昂专题报道 | 美术百科


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