
徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会[图文]

时间 : 04-21 投稿人 : 星儿 点击 :

徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会 | 美术常识

徐震时, 1938年1月生, 上海松江人,海派大师程十发义子。1965年毕业于浙江美术学院国画系(今中国美术学院)师从院长潘天寿、方增先等名家,人民美术出版社编审。艺术巨匠、老摄影家、教授、博士、外籍院士、享受国务院终身特殊津贴,全国新闻出版系统先进工作者,1989年列入《英国世界名人录》。

Xu Zhenshi was born in January 1938 in Songjiang, Shanghai. He is the adoptive son of Cheng Shifa, a Shanghai master. In 1965, he graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now China Academy of Fine Arts) and was trained by masters such as Dean Pan Tianshou and Fang Zengxian, and edited by People's Fine Arts Publishing House. Art masters, old photographers, professors, doctors, foreign academicians, and advanced workers in the national press and publication system, who are entitled to special lifelong subsidies from the State Council, were included in the British World Who's Who in 1989.

徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会 | 美术常识

三峡雄姿 1988年 52x106com


Former Deputy Director of New Year Pictures Art Committee of China Artists Association; Former Deputy Director and Secretary General of Photographic Arts Committee of China Publishing Association; Director of China Poverty Alleviation Foundation and Deputy Director of Painting and Calligraphy Poverty Alleviation Office; Director of the East China Office of the United Nations Development Programme's China Country Division. At present, he is concurrently the director of the New Year Picture Arts Committee of the China Publishing Association of the Central Propaganda Department. Former Executive Vice President of China Fan Art Association; Song Zhuang, President for Life of International Book and Painting Institute; Honorary President for Life of the Chinese Ritual Arts Center; Hua Xia Literature and Art Publishing House Honorary President for Life; Vice Chairman of the Council of national architecture institute of china Calligraphy and Painting Professional Committee; Chief Art Advisor of Changshou Hall Group Expert Advisory Group; Honorary Chairman for Life of China Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Alliance Network; Chief consultant of China National Calligraphy and Painting Network.

徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会 | 美术常识

迎春 1993年 135x68com

世界艺术家协会终身名誉主席兼艺术顾问;英国皇家艺术研究院荣誉院士、客座教授、首席艺术家兼高级顾问;瑞典皇家艺术学院荣誉博士,外籍院士;荷兰皇家美术学院终身高级学术顾问; 名誉博士、法兰西皇家美术学院授予艺术学博士;世界殿堂级艺术家荣誉、法兰西皇家画院终身院士、意大利罗马画院终生院士等。

Honorary Chairman and Art Advisor for Life of world artists association; Honorary academician, visiting professor, chief artist and senior consultant of the Royal Academy of Arts; Honorary Doctor of Swedish Royal Academy of Arts, Foreign Academician; Senior Academic Adviser for Life at the Royal Dutch Academy of Fine Arts; Honorary Doctor, Doctor of Arts from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of France; World Hall Artist Honors, Lifetime Fellow of the French Royal Academy of Painting, Lifetime Fellow of the Italian Rome Academy of Painting, etc.

徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会 | 美术常识

飞天 1992年 95x95com


From 60 years of art, he has served as judge, deputy director judge and organizer of three to six national annual exhibitions. The judges of the 6th and 9th national art exhibitions. At the beginning of this century, he co-sponsored the Year of the Tiger, the Year of the Rabbit and the Year of the Dragon national exhibitions, and commemorated the 60th anniversary of Chairman Mao's instructions on the work of New China New Year pictures. He also edited and published the above picture album. The "Red Ginseng" product designed for decoration, the "China Watertown" folk architecture designed in cooperation, the "Collection of Painters' Gifts from Mao Zedong's Former Residence" and his traditional Chinese paintings won prizes in Belgium, France, Japan, the United Nations, Russia and the United States. The editorial office organized the creation publishing house to send more than 40 winning works to participate in the national annual exhibition and the national art exhibition and to compile the above works respectively.

徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会 | 美术常识

莼鲈之乡 2001年 68x46com

合编国务院文化交流《中国年画》国礼画册并作序。2008年,为中国举办奥运会,主编《丹青流芳》中国画集作为国家礼品并作序。改革开放,为对外合作出版,国家美术全集工程,做出突出贡献,受中宣部,国家部委表彰,分别授予“共和国60年突出贡献人物”、“十佳艺术标兵”“建党 90周年突出行业人物”、“特别贡献功勋艺术家”、“年画事业特殊贡献奖”等荣誉。

Co-editor and preface of the State Council's Cultural Exchange "China New Year Pictures" State Ceremony Album. In 2008, the Olympic Games were held for China, and the editor-in-chief of "Paintings and Fragrance" Chinese painting collection was used as a national gift and preface. The reform and opening-up policy has made outstanding contributions to the publication of foreign cooperation and the national complete works of fine arts project, and has been commended by the Central Propaganda Department and the national ministries and commissions. They have respectively awarded such honors as "Outstanding Contributors in the 60 Years of the Republic", "Top Ten Art Demonstrators", "Outstanding Industry Figures in the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party", "Special Contributing Meritorious Artists" and "Special Contribution Award for New Year Paintings".

徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会 | 美术常识

草原之春 135cm x 96cm(全国年画获奖作品)

在国际上荣获“英国皇家骑士勋章”、“瑞典皇家北极星勋章”、“荷兰皇家骑士勋章”、“法国艺术及文学骑士勋章”、“法国皇家荣誉勋章”,“世界艺术百年传世名家”以及俄罗斯、韩、美、日、泰和阿联酋等国嘉奖。联合国授予“中华文化传播大使”荣誉 。

Internationally, he has won the "British Royal Knight Medal", "Sweden's Royal Polaris Medal", "Holland's Royal Knight Medal", "France's Knight of Arts and Literature Medal", "France's Royal Medal of Honor", "Famous Artists of the World for a Century" and other awards from Russia, South Korea, the United States, Japan, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates. The United Nations conferred the honor of "Ambassador of Chinese Culture Communication".

徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会 | 美术常识

月夜 1993年 82x59com


He has a rich artistic career, reading famous works of famous people, both ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, and selecting and compiling various books. He benefited from the guidance of masters and masters of the Academy of Fine Arts in those days, summed up others, improved himself, made contributions and gained, and went on to further his studies in the National Publishing House, an institution of higher learning. Reform and opening up, Sino-foreign cooperation in publishing, people who have traveled all over Qingshan Mountain are not old, and they have seen the splendid scenery and national customs of the motherland. They are the inexhaustible source of creation and the only way for artists who are engaged in artistic career to make achievements. Mr. Fang Zengxian inscribed his works, "He put his knowledge and experience at the bottom of the pen and made gratifying achievements in his paintings. His flowers, birds, landscapes and figures are very vivid and poetic. Vigorous and vigorous style is the highest realm of ink painting. "

徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会 | 美术常识

凌波仙子68cm x 195cm(全国年画获奖作品)

徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会 | 美术常识

清秋琼芳 1994年 68x68com


At that time, Mr. Shen Peng, chairman of the China Book Association, inscribed for his painting exhibition, "Chinese painting is not only professionally trained but also widely read by old editors. People all over the world are becoming more and more aware of earthquakes. It is indeed appropriate." Also entitled "a versatile person, the light of tradition", it takes the sages as an example and gives high comments and encouragement. In recent years, Mr. Xu and dong chunlian have cooperated with each other and made successful explorations for the integration of Chinese painting into western painting. they complement each other and have won awards from the world art circle.

徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会 | 美术常识

农院逸趣 1989年 68x45com


Published books include "Touching the World's Greatest Artists", "World's Soul of Art", "World's Famous Artists for a Century", "National Image", "National Charm", "Star of the Motherland", "Asian Art Man of the Year", "Chinese and French People's Favorite Artists", "Xu Zhenshi's Postage Collection on the 50th Anniversary of Sino-French Diplomatic Relations", "World Art Central European Heritage Classics" and "World Hall Artists". "Top Artists in the World", Asia's Most Invested and Collected, the belt and road initiative's Most Charming Artists, and Picture Albums such as "Color Ink Blending and Casting Paintings". The "Color Ink" Exhibition was successfully held in Paris, France, on New Year's Day 2018, and was praised by the French Royal Academy of Fine Arts and the French Royal Academy of Painting. In the year of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the "New Age Literature and Art Leaders", "Top Ten Gold Medal Artists Affecting China", "Achievement Award of Famous Poets, Calligraphers and Painters of the Republic of China", "Top Honor Award of Culture and Art of the Republic of China", "Huading Award of Chinese Art", "First Jinhua Table Art Award", "National Gold Medal Artist", "Chinese Red Flag Literature and Art Demonstrator" and "Great Country Art Masterpiece" awarded by the Mayor of Cambridge, England, on the 9th Chinese Rank were awarded respectively. On the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the belt and road initiative spread civilization and issued many sets of personal stamps at home and abroad. Invited works to participate in Chinese art and the world counterparts, Vienna, Austria, United Nations Europe Division Works Exchange Department. The first batch of Chinese cultural celebrity studios, Xu zhenshi's studio, was awarded a license in Beijing by the China Federation of literary and art circles and the academic Committee of the Chinese and foreign celebrity culture research association.

徐震时——2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会 | 美术常识



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